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GTT Art Mural is Complete

CCCRA has partnered with Bottleworks Ethics Arts Center to paint a mural on the pillars of the Route 219 underpass along the Ghost Town Trail. The artwork includes big landmarks of the trail, as well as native flowers. Artist Todd Stiffler, along with volunteers, started by power-washing the wall on June 14, then priming and painting for the rest of the week. The mural was completed on June 23rd.

This project allows us to enhance the Ghost Town Trail by painting the pillars of the Route 219 underpass in Revloc, which are currently covered in graffiti. This is part one of a multi-year project to paint all four pillars. The hope is that all pillars will be completed by the opening of the GTT Extension, which will be the first continuous loop rail-trail in the U.S. at 30 miles. The murals will serve as the gateway to the GTT extension that connects to the current trail in Revloc.

Two art murals were painted by the Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center and community members last summer on the Jim Mayer Riverswalk Trail in Johnstown. This was another Friends of the Trails funded project.

CCCRA encourages all to get out and see the completed art mural. It less than a 2-mile walk from the YPCC trail head in Ebensburg.

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